COVID-19 IgG antibody testing available Wednesday April 29th
SARS COV 2 IgG Testing available Wednesday April 29th.
Patients must call and schedule a lab appointment. Patient draw times will be between the hours of 11:30am and 3:30pm Monday thru Thursday (for now). If a Patient is already schedule for labs (routine, 3 months, etc.), and is interested in the COVID-19 antibody test, call ahead of time and ask to have the COVID-19 test added.
COVID-19 antibody tests detect the body’s immune response to the infection caused by the virus rather than detecting the virus itself.
Results are available within 24hrs and will be communicated, by a provider, through a scheduled Telehealth appointment.
The SARS COV 2 IgG Test Price is $50
- Serological (antibody) tests are not used to diagnose COVID-19 but instead as information about whether a person may have been exposed.
- FDA has granted an Emergency Use Authorization to Abbott Laboratories for SARS-COV-IgG antibody test.
If you have symptoms, such as, Fever, Cough, Congestion, fatigue, call the local testing center at (409) 550-2536.